Kim Burrell Apologizes To The LGBTQ Community AGAIN

In January 2017, Kim Burrell sparked outrage with a sermon delivered at the Love & Liberty Fellowship Church in Houston. During this sermon, she referred to homosexuality as a “perverted homosexual spirit” and warned that homosexual acts would lead to death in 2017. Her remarks were widely condemned as homophobic, and the backlash was swift and severe. This led to her being disinvited from performing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where she was scheduled to sing a song from the “Hidden Figures” soundtrack alongside Pharrell Williams​ (BET)​​ (​.

Following the backlash, Burrell attempted to address the controversy with a Facebook Live video that many viewed as a non-apology. In the video, she did not retract her statements but rather defended them by claiming they were taken out of context and that her intent was to address sin in general, not to attack the LGBTQ+ community specifically. This further fueled criticism, as it appeared she was doubling down on her original stance rather than showing genuine remorse​ (​.

Social Media and Public Perception

On social media, Burrell faced widespread criticism and condemnation. The digital backlash included calls for boycotts of her music and public appearances. The sustained negative attention further damaged her public image and reputation, making it challenging for her to regain her footing in the public eye​ (​​ (Black Enterprise)​.

Impact on Ministry and Religious Community

Burrell’s standing within the religious community also took a hit. While some conservative factions may have supported her views, many religious leaders and congregations, particularly those inclusive of LGBTQ+ members, criticized her harshly. This controversy forced a broader conversation within the church about inclusivity and the treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals​ (​.

Leave a comment, especially if you are apart of the LGBTQ community and let me know if you accept Kim Burrell’s apology. Or is it too little too late?

For me, I can’t help but notice how different Kim Burrell looks as far as her weight loss. She looks really good. And I can’t help but to wonder if she has decided to treat people better because she feels better about herself.

I doubt her true feelings have changed. But I think she want to appear to be apologetic and welcoming and it looks like she’s trying to turn over a new leaf. I know so many people that think the way she does, so I’m not even going to get into her beliefs. I can just tell you, just because she is apologizing doesn’t mean she’s actually sorry.

A it’s quite possible that the Stellar Awards might have required Kim Burrell to apologize to the LGBTQ+ community before accepting the award. Award shows and organizations often want to steer clear of controversy and keep things positive. And the Stellar Awards committee may be trying to be more inclusive, because believe it or not there are members of the LGBTQ community that are also apart of the Stellar Awards community. Those two communities are not mutually exclusive, so I could see them requiring her to apologize and Kim being willing to apologize to repair her public image.